Page 7 - Mission Journal
P. 7


                                       Heading To Thailand

                                       Mission Trip ....

                  Laura Kraybill
                                                                                                       Payao Bible Seminary
                                                                                                       Chiang Rai Thailand

           In just a few weeks I will be heading to   drawing many of its students from the  also because Christianity has not been
         northern Thailand to visit Payao Bible  surrounding hill tribes. Northern hill tribal  associated here with colonial power. This
         Seminary, through the generous support of   areas are where Christian evangelism  lack of colonizing mission could be seen as
         a HOPE 5L2F scholarship. During this 10-  efforts have historically had the most  a good thing, with the potential for
         day trip, I hope to learn how the Thai share   success in Thailand. Many of the seminary   contemporary mission to be more
         the gospel in ways that fit their cultural  students return to their tribal homes after   reflective of the Gospel. Jesus embodied
         context. How do you evangelize in a  seminary to provide ministry leadership. It   servant ministry rather than top-down
         country where less than one percent of the   will be good to witness the ways this  enforcement. In the United States,
         population is Christian? How is the gospel   training is being used in these rural  evangelism is sometimes challenging, since
         shared in ways that respect culture and  churches.                       Christianity and societal power have been
         support the marginalized? These are some                                 linked for centuries. In Thailand, there is no
                                                In addition to the seminary and mission
         of the questions I hope to explore during                                such historical baggage.
                                              sites, I will pay visits to some locations of
         my visit.
                                              Thai culture; A Buddhist temple, markets,  As I prepare for a visit to Thailand, I
           Each weekday morning I will attend  and the local university are on my to-see  expect to be welcomed graciously.  I will be
         chapel at the seminary, followed by a  list. By getting an understanding of the  an outsider in this culture, both as an
         classroom lecture. Since these lectures will   culture and context in which mission is  American and as a Christian. However, I
         be in Thai, I hope to meet with professors   occurring in Thailand, I hope to see the  anticipate good fellowship with the Payao
         before class to get an outline in English. I  ways God is already at work here.  seminary community and churches at the
         will be observing classroom dynamics,                                    mission sties. I hope to learn how the Good
                                                Through my studies at Garrett-
         noting the ways the Thai interact in a                                   News is shared in this unique setting, and
                                              Evangelical Theological Seminary, I have
         theological classroom. As a North                                        hope to leave with fresh insights for
                                              learned that there is an unfortunate
         American seminary student, this will be of                               mission in North America.
                                              history of mission done in conjunction with
         particular interest.
                                              imperialist expansion and colonialism.
           After lunch and conversation in the  Entering a mission field as a learner, friend,
         cafeteria with students and faculty, I will  and supporter of the poor can counteract
         head out of Payao to visit HOPE 5L2F  some of this negative history. This
         mission sites in rural areas. These sites  approach is congruent with the Gospels,
         provide economic sustainability for new  where we see Christ identifying with the
         church plants. I hope to participate in  poor. His way was not one of worldly
         worship and conversation over meals with   power or manipulation.
         church members. With no Thai language
                                                Having never been invaded or colonized
         skills, I will be relying on interpreters,
                                              by foreign powers, the Thai carry a sense
         gestures, and lots of smiles.
                                              of pride for their country. Entering this  Laura Kraybill is a M.Div. 3rd year student at
           Payao Bible Seminary is the largest and   culture with humility makes sense, not  Garrett-Evangelical Seminary and Recipient
         oldest independent Seminary in Thailand,  only because it is the way of Christ, but  of Hope5L2F Foundation Scholarship.

                                                                                                    Mission Journal 7
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